Guilt, death and the absence of grief


Heidi Yardley, ‘Cut’

Universal Medicine cult leader, Serge Benhayon, programs followers to believe disease is punishment for failing to adhere to the oppressive moral code he calls the Livingness. In the following extracts and quotes from Universal Medicine’s ‘truth’ blogs, his followers, including medical professionals, express guilt for minor infractions, and their beliefs that cancer is deserved and disease is a blessing. Responses from fellow cult members reveal Benhayon’s success in emotionally neutering his followers to the point where they believe death is nothing to mourn.

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Cancer is clearing, death is a healing

Damien Hirst, ‘For the Love of God’

Universal Medicine deceptively markets its healing services as complementary medicine when they are in truth body negative and life denying practices aimed at hastening death. Serge Benhayon’s puritanical magical thinking keeps followers in a state of paranoia and dread, where they believe minor emotional infractions are the cause of their illnesses and misfortunes. Writings on Universal Medicine’s propaganda sites on followers’ experience of cancer and their attitudes to death reveal existential confusion. The conflict instilled by Benhayon’s teachings sees them veering between self flagellation and grandiosity, consoling themselves with the belief they are being cleansed in preparation for an elevated rebirth.

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Serge Benhayon’s magical thinking – developing disease is a moral choice

Universal Medicine’s specialists in pseudoscience take the meaningless premise that ‘everything is energy’ and extrapolate it into an Esoteric theory of disease causation where the human body reflects a person’s moral indiscretions, disease results from incorrect thoughts and behaviour, cancer is a blessing and the prevention of disease is secured by the ‘choice’ to join Serge Benhayon’s cult and pay big bucks to toe his puritanically perverse Livingness line.

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Esoteric Healing® – health is out, death is in


Damien Hirst, ‘Anatomy of an Angel’

Serge Benhayon’s ultimate Esoteric goal is an unceremonious shuffling off of this mortal coil for a disembodied existence as a divine and ‘soul-full’ body of light. Benhayon, the health service provider, is actively expediting the demise of his followers with his perilous brand of healing, and before they ‘dump their prana’ via a lonely, emotionless death, he makes sure he gets a cut of their temporal cash and assets. The Universal Medicine cult’s pessimistic negation of human life encourages an acceptance of misery that makes death look comparatively appealing – by design. The following quotes from its leader’s writings show how he brands competing complementary medicine modalities as evil, and renders the relief of symptoms and maintenance of health redundant.

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The Esoteric diet – more lethal than ever


Michael Zavros, ‘Phoebe is Dead’

As Universal Medicine cult leader Serge Benhayon continues to pound his Esoteric pulpit on the evil energy of perfectly nutritious foods, we should all be alarmed to hear he’s imposed further restrictions on the Esoteric diet – better described as self-loving starvation. Meanwhile the Huffington Post continues to pay cult apologist Sarah Cloutier to promote a dangerous eating disorder under the guise of ‘food writing’. And I’m officially a troll.

Update 2020: a more up to date post is Diet or eating disorder part 1

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Death Drive Part 2: Serge Benhayon & the cult doctors

Rene Magritte, Perspective II Manet's Balcony

Rene Magritte, Perspective II Manet’s Balcony

Cult leader, Serge Benhayon is quoted referring to life energy as the root cause of ‘all ill conditions’, that our Soul has no need for a physical body, that health practices are a waste of energy on a body we will eventually not need, and that  death is a ‘healing’. He’s welcome to his beliefs, but we have a major problem when he establishes a large, highly profitable, international ‘healing’ organization around them, and uses covert hypnotic techniques to indoctrinate the unsuspecting into a drive toward death. Worse when doctors publicly participate, and worse again when AHPRA, the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority, fails to take regulatory action.

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Death Drive Part 1: Serge Benhayon’s cult of death – the doctrine

Esoteric students believe they’re following a path of ‘innermost loving’ and ‘Soulfulness’, yet, analysis of the Universal Medicine cult leader’s writings reveal that Esoteric ‘healing’ is a euphemism for a drive toward death. The ‘glory’ of a UniMed death is marketed as a gateway to more distinguished reincarnations, as well as a ‘cleansing’ and finally a ‘healing’. But not before Serge extracts the maximum funds.

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Packaging Death – Serge Benhayon’s Great Esoteric ‘Livingness’ Swindle

A sampler of Benhayon’s writings reveal his formula for the most sinister of power plays. Not content to fleece his students of their funds, he’s designed his Esoteric program to rob them of their health, their connection to humanity and ultimately their lives. All in the name of ‘healing’ and ‘Medicine’.

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Esoteric diet or death wish? Serge Benhayon’s assault on public health


The intent of cake is always comfort, same goes for mousse, ice cream and other treats. ©Serge Benhayon and the Hierarchy.

Serge’s non nutritionally based diet is a public health risk. Not because it regards cake as comfort food, but Serge is programming his students to avoid perfectly nutritious foods because they ‘hinder the flow of the light of the soul in the body.’ Seeing Serge regards death as the true path to the soul, the reality testing device translates this as ‘stay away from decent food. It keeps you alive’.

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DIY Prophecies: The coming weekend with Sergie

Roll Out The Sycophants Redux
It’s easy really. You don’t need a crystal ball or to sit on the toilet and listen for the ‘loveliest, sweetest voice’ of the Ascended Masters or whoever. You just need a copy of my hastily compiled ‘Cashed Up Guruism for Dummies’ to surmise what Serge will say when he ‘presents’ this weekend at The Lighthouse. So bets are on for guessing how he’ll avoid explaining why public scrutiny is escalating and he’s sinking into doo doo. We take a stab at the apologisms, excuses, cryptic non panderings and other assorted obfuscations. Continue reading