Sex and Serge Benhayon

Sex is energetic rape. (Benhayon, 2011, p.695)
The Benhayon family at work - UK event

The Benhayon family at work – UK event

Sexual exploitation is a hallmark of cults, and cult leader Serge Benhayon’s aberrant teachings and practices are integral to the profitability of Universal Medicine and its main recruitment arm, Esoteric Women’s Health Pty Ltd. Disturbing teachings on the disease causing ‘energy’ of normal sexuality, the karma of sexual violence and puritanical prescriptions for emotionless love making sit uneasily with in house assessments of ‘sexiness’. A culture of personal boundary transgressions, including inappropriate touching highlights the sexual confusion among devotees. The manipulation is essential to UniMed’s lucrative death drive; psychologically destabilizing followers, fracturing intimate relationships with non followers, and inducing dependency on dubious occult therapies

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SCAM Chakra-puncture at Evolve College

Benhayons working chakra-puncture for Evolve College

Benhayons working chakra-puncture for Evolve College – Simone, Curtis, Michael and Deborah

In the past year or two, the nationwide Australian College of Massage merged with commercial religion and Esoteric Healing conglomerate, Universal Medicine to produce Evolve College. It was marriage of mutual benefit, giving Serge Benhayon’s bogus Esoteric modalities the backing of a registered training organization, and ACM’s owners new practitioner courses to market to graduates. One of those is a semester course in worthless chakra-puncture for the price of $8680 (AUD). Chakra-puncture and other Esoteric modalities are the worst of the increasingly profit driven alternative medicine industry – exploiting students and vulnerable patients to fill the pockets of self deified scam artists.

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Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy – another SCAM modality from Universal Medicine

Registered physiotherapist, Kate Greenaway, softens up some targets

Registered physiotherapist, Kate Greenaway, softens up some targets

Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy is a bogus modality devised by unqualified Esoteric healing mogul and self styled messiah, Serge Benhayon, with the help of long term sycophant investor, registered physiotherapist, Kate Greenaway. Esoteric student notes reveal the occult mumbo jumbo the cult uses to bamboozle customers, and according to first hand and media reports, Greenaway and other practitioners are writing up the sham treatments up to Medicare. To make matters worse, Evolve College/The Australian College of Massage have plans to roll out the scam nationwide via practitioner training courses.

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Universal Medicine’s false & misleading parliamentary inquiry submissions


Cult doctor, Maxine Szramka sells fraudulent Esoteric ‘integrity’

Late last year NSW State Parliament’s Health Care Complaints Committee called for public submissions to an inquiry into the promotion of false and misleading health related information and practices. The aim was to examine the government’s response to organizations providing health services and misleading members of the public in ways that pose a risk to their health. The Universal Medicine cult’s hierarchy of investors, including the cult doctors, made two submissions proudly advertising their persistent delivery of false and misleading information, luring vulnerable patients into their commerce in harm.  Continue reading

Esoteric Women’s Health – new marketing offensive

WILMagThe Universal Medicine cult’s primary recruitment gateway, Esoteric Women’s Health Pty Ltd, has had a makeover in fresh pursuit of the minds and dollars of susceptible women. New marketing doesn’t disclose its basis in Serge Benhayon’s occult religion of sexism and toxic magical thinking. Rather, the glamour shots conceal gender divisiveness, gynaecological exhibitionism, privacy invasion, over servicing and other predatory behaviour. And no amount of make-up and floral logos can conceal the narcissism, bitchiness and bullying central to its anti-social ideal of ‘self nurturing’.

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Why seaweed is not a good source of dietary calcium

SeaVegSaladPackCan anybody you eats dairy actually love you? (sic) Serge Benhayon, EDG Message 13, date unknown

Universal Medicine cult members live in mortal fear of dairy products, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and a comprehensive list of nutritious foods because Serge says they’re pranic and loveless. To justify their messiah’s demented food neurosis cultists misrepresent scientific research studies in order to demonize them nutritionally. Among some of the unsound nutritional advice propagated by UM is that seaweed is an alternative source of calcium to dairy products. It might be good advice if seaweed was appetizing and didn’t contain potentially toxic levels of iodine in the amounts required to deliver calcium.

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Cult psychologist Brendan Mooney talks us through cult conversion

In this 20 minute promotional video ‘Healing Chronic Pain’, psychologist Brendan Mooney tells how his journey to find pain relief delivered him into the clutches of New Age charlatan, Serge Benhayon. The eventual pain relief was unrelated to Serge’s meddling, in spite of cult stalwart, Dr Rachel Hall calling it ‘a miracle’. Esoteric healing merely succeeded in transforming Mooney into a vocal cultist, willing to breach his professional codes of conduct to promote the Universal Medicine business.

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Serge of Interest – Private Eye does it again!

Private Eye Benhayon HeadlineThat worked nicely. The UK’s top selling current affairs magazine, Private Eye, was so impressed by the Universal Medicine cult’s frenzy of defensiveness over their probe into UM’s connections with the UK NHS they decided to follow up.  It’s no surprise to us cult members swamped the mailbag protesting about allegations the Eye didn’t make, and couldn’t quite specify which information published was ‘lies’.


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Guilt, death and the absence of grief


Heidi Yardley, ‘Cut’

Universal Medicine cult leader, Serge Benhayon, programs followers to believe disease is punishment for failing to adhere to the oppressive moral code he calls the Livingness. In the following extracts and quotes from Universal Medicine’s ‘truth’ blogs, his followers, including medical professionals, express guilt for minor infractions, and their beliefs that cancer is deserved and disease is a blessing. Responses from fellow cult members reveal Benhayon’s success in emotionally neutering his followers to the point where they believe death is nothing to mourn.

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Repost: Prohibiting Serge Benhayon – how you can help

Roll Out The Sycophants ReduxUniversal Medicine’s plethora of harms are well documented on this site, from photographic evidence of unqualified Serge Benhayon handling a woman’s genitals and teaching it as a ‘healing’ for sexual abuse, to the abuses of Esoteric Womens Health and Chakra-Puncture, the bogus Esoteric Practitioners Association, and Benhayon’s denigration of authentic healthcare whilst marketing death as healing. Benhayon is a public health risk who should have been prohibited from providing health services long ago – including hands on treatment and  teaching ‘healing’ workshops.

However, he can’t be prohibited without official complaints and nor can his many accomplices. Please help us make sure these abusers are brought to account, and that the regulators do their job of regulating.

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Cancer is clearing, death is a healing

Damien Hirst, ‘For the Love of God’

Universal Medicine deceptively markets its healing services as complementary medicine when they are in truth body negative and life denying practices aimed at hastening death. Serge Benhayon’s puritanical magical thinking keeps followers in a state of paranoia and dread, where they believe minor emotional infractions are the cause of their illnesses and misfortunes. Writings on Universal Medicine’s propaganda sites on followers’ experience of cancer and their attitudes to death reveal existential confusion. The conflict instilled by Benhayon’s teachings sees them veering between self flagellation and grandiosity, consoling themselves with the belief they are being cleansed in preparation for an elevated rebirth.

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Serge Benhayon’s magical thinking – developing disease is a moral choice

Universal Medicine’s specialists in pseudoscience take the meaningless premise that ‘everything is energy’ and extrapolate it into an Esoteric theory of disease causation where the human body reflects a person’s moral indiscretions, disease results from incorrect thoughts and behaviour, cancer is a blessing and the prevention of disease is secured by the ‘choice’ to join Serge Benhayon’s cult and pay big bucks to toe his puritanically perverse Livingness line.

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